




They suck your blood. They give me infections. I cannot express the hate I have for mosquitoes. They're ugly too!

When I get mosquito bites, it's always extremely itchy. So I itch. And I itch more. I scratch at the bite until it starts to bleed, which is when it FINALLY stops itching. After a while there's a scab, but a few days later it's itchy again. And so I itch and itch and itch. The whole process keeps repeating until all the venom has been scratched away, leaving a hideous scar.

I would show you my legs but that would be exceedingly strange of me. 

My legs are covered in those little brown spots where the bites used to be. When I was younger, I love to wear shorts, but these pesky mosquitoes would not relent in their effort to cover me in spots so I only wear jeans now.

I wear shorts inside the house, like now, since mosquitoes don't come inside(right?). But when we leave the door open, the mosquitoes take this chance to slip in. Then they attack me.

I just got bit.

But I killed it this time muahahahaha.